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The past of the world of mortals is the past of life. Whether it is a fate or a fate, we can only go with the flow and be innocent.


People in this life do not know who is whose life passer-by, we can only do is to love our people, leaving people who do not love us. Stay away from yourself.


Life is like a dream, North Gan chic, happy and happy for a day, why bother to be difficult for yourself, a good man should be determined in the Quartet, now there is wine and drunk, live to live him a spirit, play to play him, free and easy.


Life must be full of joy, do not make the golden bottle empty to the moon. I am born to be useful, and I will come back when I have lost all my money.


Red dust past a bowl of wine, Qianqiu Weiye, a pot of tea, some red dust past, we must learn to smile and let it pass. Why bother to put it in your own heart and never forget it, it will only suffer your own youth and your own years.

6; 做人要学会潇洒,做事要学会干净,总想着曾经的人,永远走不出自己的阴影,这样的人没有出息。

To be a man, you must learn to be chic, to learn to be clean, and always think that people who used to be can never get out of their own shadows. Such people have no future.


The ninja is a man who should stand tall every day, without fear of wind and rain, encounter difficulties, encounter setbacks, and settle the strong is the more brave the war, only the weak will be listless every day, encounter difficulties to escape, and surrender when encountering setbacks.


In this world, a strong man needs someone to accompany him, and he needs someone to marry him. When a man's heart is broken, he will cry, and he will cry. If you meet a man in your life who is crying, please don't disturb the man who is crying, because he needs to be quiet.


The man who received the grievance always had a glass of wine in his left hand, a cigarette in his right hand, and then smiled and said to himself, nothing is a thing, I can insist that I can resist.


Life is like a dream, the years are like a knife, the sickle of the years, cut on the face of the vicissitudes of life, the experience of life, the setbacks of the world have been deeply branded in the minds of the strong, Wei strong face is always hanging Smile, my heart is always unpredictable.



~~  The   End  ~~

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最后编辑:2022 年 05 月 05 日 00:02
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